Laser hair removal is designed to permanently remove unwanted body hair by using the light energy from a laser. If you are tired of shaving, waxing and messy creams, laser hair removal is the answer. It is the most effective method of eliminating unwanted hair. Our Diode laser wavelength effectively penetrates deep into and absorbed by the target chromospheres. The adequate pulse duration, energy density and epidermal cooling ensure an adequate thermal damage to the target tissue without damaging the surrounding tissue to achieve effective hair removal.
Laser hair removal requires a series of treatments that are based on several factors. First, hair cells grow in cycles and can only be treated in their growth phase. The coarseness of the hair in the area being treated can also affect the number of treatments, along with the depths and densities of the follicle.
Winter is the perfect time to start your Treatment so when next summer comes you will be just ready for the beach.

Pre-Treatment care:
- The treatment area needs to be shaved to skin level.
- Must avoid waxing, plucking, threading or electrolyses of the hair for 4-6 weeks prior to treatment.
- Avoid the sun exposure for 4-6 weeks prior to treatment.
- Treatment area needs to be fully washed off and has no makeup, creams, etc.
- We do not recommend to have laser treatments if you are on medications such as Accutane, Retin-A, Gold Therapy etc, at present or within the past 6 months. These medications and several others, can make your skin susceptible to damage from the laser. Laser treatments cannot be given during your pregnancy.
Post-treatment care:
- Keep the treatment area clean; Use tepid water for bath or shower with gentle wash.
- Avoid shaving the treated area for at least 4 days after treatment.
- Do not wax, pluck, thread or use depilatories between laser sessions, only shave if necessary.
- Avoid sun exposure for at least 3 weeks after treatment. Protect the area with a sunscreen of higher than SPF 30, and protect the skin from developing hyper-pigmentation marks.
- Avoid any irritating medications or chemicals, such as Retin-A, Benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid or astringents.
- After the treatment, the treated area may become pink, red, inflamed, or even blistered and may last several hours to several days, apply the ice, cooling gels, Hydrocortisone or Neosporin to relief
Treatment Areas
Small Areas
- Areolae
- Belly line
- Cheek
- Chin
- Ears
- Feet and toes
- Forehead
- Hands and fingers
- Sideburns
- Upper lip
Medium Areas
- Bikini line (front & back)
- Neck
- Underarms
- Armpits
- Shoulders
- Upper Arm
- Lower Arm
Large Areas
- Brazilian bikini (back inner area not included)
- Buttocks
- Chest
- Full face
- Lower back
- Upper back
- Stomach
- Lower leg
- Upper leg
Whole Body
- Full legs
- Full arms
- Full face
- Full back
- Full chest with stomach
- Shoulders
- Hands with fingers
- Feet with toes